
Limelight iWAN

Written by TBL Admin | Jan 13, 2016 8:02:00 PM

Intelligence You Don’t Need to Think About

The cost vector of premium WAN connectivity is growing exponentially. This is largely rooted in the increased demands on a wide area network to provide transactional and collaborative applications in near real-time without performance degradation. With the rising costs of MPLS, just throwing bandwidth at the problem is no longer a sustainable solution.

Grow Performance, Not Costs  

How could something be better and cost less? TBL’s Limelight iWAN pairs existing MPLS connections with less expensive local internet connections to provide fast, secure, and resilient connectivity. Grow your performance this year by 150%, not your costs. Limelight iWAN is a service upgrade that pays for itself.

Active/Passive is so Passé

The tolerance for network outages is gone and as a result, companies are building secondary networks to provide failover when needed. An inherent inefficiency in this design is that only one network is used at a time. TBL’s Limelight iWAN combines the primary and backup networks to maximize the use of each investment while still allowing for redundancy in real-time.

 Great from start to finish. 

National Distributor, CIO

See More, Do Less

In a multi-pathed network, understanding the flow of information can be difficult. TBL’s Limelight iWAN provides a live look at how traffic is flowing, where congestion is occurring, and what applications are consuming the most resources. In addition, Limelight iWAN employs intelligent path selection technologies to allow for the assurance that each flow gets the treatment for which policy instructs. Fix performance issues before your users know they exist.